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Topic: Environmental Crime, What Is It?
Tom Simpson
Posts: 645

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Environmental Crime, What Is It?
on: September 29, 2013, 20:20

At the Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Public Meeting held earlier in the month, Dominic Gratty reported that his role is that of an investigations officer for environmental crime, and he is one of two people across the city that does this. Dominic informed residents that he looks at waste, litter, fly tipping & dog fouling issues and makes people accountable for them when breaking the law.

Dominic Gratty reported that on average he receives 100 complaints a month on waste; CCTV cameras are not the answer, the community need to report the incidents and if the council remove waste then it just encourages repeat offences.

For litter and fly tipping issues residents are asked to report offences to the City Council on telephone number 234234.

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