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Topic: New Powers to PCSO’s in Sandyford & Goldenhill
Tom Simpson
Posts: 645

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New Powers to PCSO’s in Sandyford & Goldenhill
on: February 6, 2012, 21:25

Police Community Support Officers (PCSO’s) in Staffordshire, which includes Sandyford & Goldenhill have new powers to help them deal with everyday policing issues.

Some of the PCSO’s new powers will enable them to seize drugs and alcohol, detain suspects, search for alcohol and tobacco, issue fixed penalty notices for disorder offences and disperse groups and take under 16s home.

Tom Simpson, Secretary of Sandyford and Goldenhill Residents’ Association welcomed the move.

He said: “Times are really difficult in every walk of life, especially with all the cutbacks. I suppose it could be seen as getting something done on the cheap.

“But in Sandyford and Goldenhill, we’ve noticed a real difference by having PCSOs. Anything that gives them extra powers, especially to deal with drugs and anti-social behaviour, is welcome.”

Follow the link for more on this top story

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