Crime statistics can be found at the crime mapping section of the Staffordshire Police website. If you go onto the website and click on the crime mapping link then you can enter any area where you wish to see the crime rate figures. You can also look at specific crime figures for antisocial behaviour, burglary etc.
The one thing that didn’t make for pleasant reading was the averages for antisocial behavior in this area. Both Goldenhill & Sandyford/Tunstall both have above average ABS levels, where as the surrounding areas have average. Goldenhill and Sandyford received an average of 29 reported incidents per month of ABS crime for 2010 as apposed to an average of 36 per month the year before.
Compared to Tunstall Neighbourhood, they got 76.7 (average per month) for the last part of 2010.
I’d like to know what people think the answer to ABS crime?
Goldenhill & Sandyford crime statistics
Do we have any one using twitter yet? If so, you can leave PC Talbot a message on twitter via his police profile @goldenhillpc.
Also please feel free to say hello to me too @mytusntall
I think the crime statistics just went up 10 fold yesterday 🙁
Police appeal for witnesses