Election Fever “Goldenhill & Sandyford”

Martin Garner, Goldenhill & Sandyford Ward Councillor Candidate for the Labour Party has reported the following to the S.A.G.E. website.

He says he will be busy campaigning in the area between now and 5th May. If anyone would like to get in touch with him then they can do so on 01782 768846 or by emailing him at martin.j.garner@ntlworld.com

He is also expecting to have Joan Walley MP out with him in the area at various points.

He goes onto say that he looks forward to meeting as many residents as possible over the next few weeks.

Sandyford and Goldenhill Residents Association welcome comments from any Councillor Candidate standing for election in the Goldenhill & Sandyford Ward.

Please note that Councillor Candidates will be attending the S.A.G.E. Public Annual General Meeting on Thursday 14th April at 7.30 p.m. Goldenhill Community Hall/Centre, High Street, Goldenhill.

Other candidates standing for election.

Craig Arthur Pond, England First

Megan Ryan, Independent

David Sutton, not declared

Matthew Douglas Wyman, Liberal Democrat

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