The Community Car Park at the junction of Elgood Lane & High Street is undergoing a major change. The overgrown land will be cleared away as part of the “Respect Day” and new soil put down to facilitate planting in preparation for a new hard standing car park. This is in conjunction with work being progressed by the Sandyford & Goldenhill Resident’s Association (SAGE) and your local councillor – Martin Garner.
Community Payback will be clearing back overgrown land and litter picking across the whole area.
New litter bins will be installed where needed.
The area will be swept and grassed areas cut (subject to weather) in order to give the area a good tidy up.
Come for some free refreshments at the Community Centre between 10am & 2pm and meet representatives from SAGE as well as your local councillor, Martin Garner.
Welfare Reform – are you affected by the new regulations? Do you need advice regarding benefits and Universal Credit? There will be an expert available at Goldenhill Community Centre to offer free, confidential advice.
Housing – Talk to staff from the City Council about any concerns.
Free crime prevention equipment and advice from the police bus at the Community Centre.
Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service will be conducting home fire security checks, hydrant testing and giving a safety talk to school children at the local school on topics of Halloween and Bonfire Night.
Street Pastors will be patrolling the area during the day. Stop them and have a chat.
A message from your councillor, Martin Garner
“This Respect Day is a perfect example of partnership working at its best. Working with local residents we can highlight and tackle some of the issues affecting this area.
This is a great opportunity to help keep our area tidy by getting rid of bulky household waste in the skips provided. If anyone requires any assistance on the day, there will be representatives out and about who can help.”
A message from your local Residents Association Secretary – Tom Simpson
“We are delighted to be a part of this Respect Day which we know will make a lasting impression on the area for the benefit of the residents and businesses.
We would encourage everybody to come along to the Community Centre on the day to talk to us about the exciting work we have planned for the area.”
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