Pavement Problems Need “Flagging Up”

Problems with lifted and cracked pavements as well as potholes along Broadfield Road, Sandyford were highlighted on an estate walkabout with Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association (S.A.G.E.) and Stoke on Trent City Council earlier this month.

Council Highways have responded to complaints received about the poor standard of pavements stating that “a Quarterly Walked Inspection is due to take place in November and any defects that meet the intervention criteria will be logged for repair with their Maintenance Team.”

Council Highways have further reported they have logged it into their system to have the potholes along Broadfield Road repaired as well.

Councillor Jack Brereton, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Transport says, work to repair nearly 400 roads and pavements across the city has started during the summer, and would continue into the winter. The question residents are asking in the Sandyford part of the city is whether Broadfield Road is included in the repair programme.

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