Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association has been in contact with Network Space who are developing land on James Brindley Way, Sandyford in regards to construction noise, which has been disturbing residents in the area.
Network Space have expressed that they fully appreciate the level of noise recently from the site has been quite a disturbance for people living nearby. The company further commented that it is fortunately a short term remediation stage in the development and the noise level should reduce by the end of next week when compaction and piling work is completed. The company went onto say that this should conclude the noisy work that residents have been understandably complaining about.
The contractor “Caddick” has confirmed that they are presently restricting this work to within the hours of 8.00am to 5:30 pm weekdays, and due to complaints and in consideration of local residents the contractor is avoiding undertaking further noisy work at weekends for the foreseeable future.
It was further reported that the contractor has been liaising with the Environmental Health Officer in the area and they assure they will continue to minimise any disruption wherever possible.
Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association (S.A.G.E.) would like to reassure residents that Network Space has liaised with them from the start of the project, and they have listened to any issues put before them and when in a position to do so have addressed the problem.
S.A.G.E. would like to remind residents that once the Sandyford development is completed and buildings become occupied that it will help to regenerate the Sandyford/Goldenhill locality and hopefully bring better employment prospects to our area.
When will the incessant noise stop! How much longer do we have to put up with the pylon driving?
Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association S.A.G.E?? Shouldn’t it be S.A.G.R.A ???