Community Speedwatch

Community Speedwatch in conjunction with Staffordshire Police has been operating in the area for the last six months as reported at last weeks Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association Public Meeting.

The residents group has been leading the way with the scheme to catch speeding motorists; who are putting themselves and others at risk of serious injury or even death. At present the group has caught a number of motorists who have exceeded the speed limit, and they will receive notification of their actions.

It was further said at the meeting that the speedwatch group when operating on Goldenhill High Street had noted every time they visited that over 1,000 vehicles passed through in a one hour period. They also reported a couple of weeks ago that on Colclough Lane they caught 10 out of 160 vehicles speeding through the area.

To be a “Community Speedwatch” volunteer requires anyone interested to give up e.g. an hour a fortnight, so if you would like to join the team then speak to the residents association via our social media pages.

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