Development Proposals for Sandyford

Steve Bourne, Technical Director (Muller Property Group) at a recent SAGE public meeting, talked about developing the old Salt & Riley builders yard land opposite KFC in Sandyford (pictured right).

Mr Bourne said that retail parties are now showing an interest in the site, and current proposals are for a coffee drive through, convenience store, and a retail unit. Mr Bourne added that planning/traffic surveys have been actioned, although no planning application has yet been submitted.

Councillor Joy Garner who attended the meeting mentioned concerns of the site entrance coming out at a busy junction, and have they considered having another one.

In response to Councillor Garner, Steve Bourne explained that access and egress at the location would be on both sides of the site.

Ruth Smeeth M.P. who was an invited guest to the meeting asked what guarantees are there that local businesses will be involved in developing the site. Mr Bourne responded by saying, they will promote local involvement to develop the site wherever possible.

Comments from some of the residents was that it is good to hear there will be more jobs for the area, although others shared concerns of additional traffic issues being brought to the area.

Muller who are proposing to develop the land said; in comparison to the larger scale of things already taking place that it would not make any significant impact to the traffic situation.

2 comments to Development Proposals for Sandyford


    I have concern as I live in one of the first four house where the developer is proposing the development as the houses have been there for a long time and structurally might not stand the construction going on very close WHAT the hell !!! noise, pollution,dust and the inconvenience !!! It may be good for the development in the area but not for my house in valuation NOT GOOD AT ALL !
    It’s bad enough listening to the noise which comes from KFC also LITTER from both KFC and MCDONALDS in my garden..
    Ok rant over ! Please keep me informed.

  • Tom Simpson

    Hi, Thanks for your comments on the SAGE website, I have passed your concerns onto Muller re the Sandyford development, and I have been advised they are to contact you direct about your concerns, I hope this helps,
    Tom, on behalf of Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association.

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