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Topic: Tractor Train Railroads in to Goldenhill Fun Day
Tom Simpson
Posts: 645

Reputation: 0
Tractor Train Railroads in to Goldenhill Fun Day
on: April 2, 2019, 23:10

This year the Goldenhill Fun Day which is on Saturday 3rd August is to have it’s very own Tractor Train.

The event will be held at Goldenhill Community Hall/Centre and Village Green, where the Tractor Train will start it’s magical ride, and taking in views across to Newchapel and it’s picturesque church, to seeing the historic Mow Cop Castle on the horizon before coming back to Goldenhill’s big day event.

This new added attraction will cost only £1 per person, so why not come along with your family for a ride you will never forget.

To book the Tractor Train for your event contact Karl on 07789300539 or visit the site

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