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Topic: Goldenhill & Sandyford Christmas Tree Light Switch On
Tom Simpson
Posts: 645

Reputation: 0
Goldenhill & Sandyford Christmas Tree Light Switch On
on: December 5, 2021, 12:44

On Saturday 4th December the Christmas Tree light switch on took place in the grounds of St Joseph’s Church on Goldenhill’s High Street.

Lord Mayor of Stoke on Trent, Councillor Chandra Kanneganti who is also the local G.P. officially turned on the tree lights along with members of Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association as well as residents from the local community.

The weather on the evening was that of Christmas spirit, having wintery showers consisting of a combination of sleet, snow and blustery winds. The people who attended were not put off by the weather where everyone enjoyed the opportunity to bring Christmas to our community.

Special thanks do go to Chandra Kanneganti for using some of his ward budget money to make Christmas that little bit special in times when everyone needs that extra special lift.

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