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Topic: Antisocial Behaviour "It's Time For Action"
Tom Simpson
Posts: 648

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Antisocial Behaviour "It's Time For Action"
on: March 23, 2011, 22:23

A local resident who lives in the Sandyford area has reported the following to S.A.G.E.

Having lived in fear for 4 years I feel it is time for action with regards to anti-social behaviour. This an on going thing and having spoke to a feew other residents feel we are sick of feeling intimadated by the youths what walk this road day and night,playing football in the road stopping traffic from passing then shouting abuse at the drivers! Throwing stones and bricks at cars and properties,trespassing on my property,throwing snowballs at passing cars and properties,shouting degrading abuse not only at my daughters but at any young girls happening to be walking along the street. We just want to come home after a days work and be able to relax in our own homes of a night,its not too much to ask. The decent law abiding residents are putting their houses on the market but have little or no chance of selling,who wants to buy a property in a street with yobs shouting abuse at you?Enoughs enough now!I will be attending the next meeting to see what the outcome of this situation will be.

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