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Topic: Appetite's "Music for Everyone" Hits the High Note for Goldenhill's Fun Day
Tom Simpson
Posts: 647

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Appetite's "Music for Everyone" Hits the High Note for Goldenhill's Fun Day
on: July 7, 2015, 13:22

Appetite’s “Music for Everyone” is the latest addition to this year’s Goldenhill Community Fun Day, which is being held on Saturday 8th August 12.00 noon onwards at Goldenhill Community Hall/Centre & Village Green.

Appetite says it aims to get more people in Stoke on Trent to experience and be inspired by the arts, and it is now the turn of Goldenhill & Sandyford to have a bigger share of this by having them at our annual “fun day.”

The itinerary outline for the event will consist of,

Music Performance having a range of classic and modern songs with audience interaction and participation

Drum Workshop with audience participation on drum kits, African drums, and a range of hand held percussives

DJ Workshop with audience participation to learn DJ skills, tricks & play a DJ mix

When Appetite are not performing they will have a demo of their ‘Make and Play’ workshop and instruments, balloon modelling, and other interactive activities.

We hope everyone will come along to the event and show their support for “Appetite” along with all the other activities and events on the day.

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