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Topic: This is where you live
Tom Simpson
Posts: 647

Reputation: 0
This is where you live, Do you care about your Environment?
on: January 2, 2016, 21:12

What is to happen to our disused Golf Course?

Who will remove the eyesore of an arson attacked Church School?

What is to happen to the neglected site of the former Lord Nelson Public House?

How do we regenerate Goldenhill Village?

How do we stop antisocial behavior?

Who is responsible for the upkeep of our public footpaths?

These are questions asked by our residents as well as many more

We can and do make a difference, we regularly meet with our local councilor as well as the local authorities

Why not join our voluntary residents group and give 1½ hours a month to be part of an organisation that cares for its community

For more information to join our team

Tel Tom Simpson 07986749198

We look forward to hearing from you soon

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