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Topic: Fly Tipping Crackdown
Tom Simpson
Posts: 647

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Fly Tipping Crackdown
on: February 12, 2016, 15:27

Fly tippers across the city are facing a crackdown by the City Council.

A Stanfield resident dumped more than 20 bags of rubbish in Gill Bank Road, Goldenhill last year and has received a £220 fine, given a £22 victim surcharge and told to pay £420 court costs.

It has been reported that Goldenhill is one of five areas where fly tipping offending has taken place within the city.

Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association (S.A.G.E.) has campaigned for a long time for the council to get tough with offenders, and it is now showing that no one is safe from prosection when fly tipping rubbish across Stoke on Trent.

For more on this story follow the link

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