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Topic: Goldenhill Future
Posts: 1

Reputation: 0
Goldenhill Future
on: March 5, 2016, 13:20

Hi all,

earlier this year there was the residents meeting to discuss the future of the Goldenhill (former) golf course. I attended and was impressed with just how many people all said clearly that they want it to be a place of nature, with dedicated areas for mixed recreation, for all to enjoy.

When I contacted the councillor who took the meeting he unfortunately confirmed that despite this, the move with the golf investor was going ahead.

I then started a petition last week to show again that local people don't want this to be a golf course and so far over 500 people have signed it, along with leaving some excellent comments showing the high value the area has to them.Up to now I've only used Facebook to get the word of the petition out, but naturally not all residents will use that social platform and some will be using this forum.

So to all of you who were at the meeting and were against the area being turned into a golf course again, the petition link is here >

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