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Topic: Sandyford’s Red Route Road “Do’s & Dont’s”
Tom Simpson
Posts: 645

Reputation: 0
Sandyford’s Red Route Road “Do’s & Dont’s”
on: January 23, 2019, 20:45

Plans by Stoke on Trent City Council’s controversial “red route” road through Sandyford have been disclosed.

The following information obtained by Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association can confirm the following.

The “red route” road continues from Tunstall High Street into Sandyford High Street at it’s junction with Summerbank Road and ends at the KFC roundabout

Existing pedestrian crossing after Summernk Road remains a clearway

Continuing after the pedestrian crossing towards the KFC roundabout (left hand side of road) to the bus stop/shelter there will be no stopping Monday to Saturday between the hours of 7.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. & 4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. (parking is permitted at all other times)

No stopping except for parking is permitted with no limit on the Newfield Industrial Estate side of the road opposite Staffordshire Triumph

Anyone who has to stop on the “red route” road to gain access to their property e.g. to open or unlock gates where it confirms no stopping is allowed, then this is permitted allowing 2 minutes allocated time.

The information provided by Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association is to the best of our knowledge accurate, but Stoke on Trent City Council will position signage along the route for direct instruction, which must be adhered to.

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